Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Review

It's been such a hectic year already that I barely have time to blog on a daily basis like I used to.

The boys have been keeping me busy and school has been somewhat of an adjustment for me. Kevin too has been working a lot and being "Mr. Mom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays while I'm at school. I think it's been great for him to get a taste of my medicine, being home w/the boys all day long. It's also been good for him to spend time with the boys. I think the boys have adjusted well to the new schedule too.

This month we celebrated Konnor's 3rd birthday in Fairfield, CA at Mama & Papa's house. We celebrated together with Massimo (my nephew) who turned ONE. Well, not officially because he is a leap year baby which mean he really won't be one for another...3 years? Weird.

Individually the boys have been growing and learning so much. We're still having some issues with Kameron, sleeping and weaning off the bottle. It was all so opposite with Konnor and it just shows how different they are in personalities. Konnor has completely mastered potty training since November. Kameron is interested "to see" when Konnor goes potty. He's since been wearing Pull Ups when we're at home. He's consistent on telling us when he's gone potty and needs to be changed, but I don't think he's ready to start the potty training process just YET.

I'm in my second month of school. It's been challenging, but fun. I've met some new people and have learned a lot in my three classes. ASL (American Sign Language) has been my favorite class. It's fun and interesting and challenging all at the same time.

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