Happy Birthday Kameron Ethan McMaster!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fall's here already???
So I'm a bit behind on blogging. It's been a busy year for everyone, especially with The McMaster's! It's mid October and Christmas will be here before we know it. We're in no way ready for that! The boys will be one year older and that much more wiser!
We've started this October with going to the local pumpkin patch in Murrieta. The boys chose their pumpkins and had fun on the rides and in the petting zoo. Since we started "painting" pumpkins last year we decided to do it again this year. I had an amazing idea to make Yo Gabba Gabba pumpkins which is Kameron's favorite show right now.

I had so much fun. It was a bit time consuming. Konnor painted the pumpkins and I did the detail work. Kameron was so happy when it was all done. He looks at them everyday, names each pumpkin and giggles. I'll let you in on a secret. Brobee (the green striped one) is actually a small watermelon from our backyard! =)
With the pumpkins was also time to choose Halloween costumes. Konnor of course had his mind set on being an Imagination Mover (Disney) and Kameron chose to be DJ Lance Rock (from Yo Gabba Gabba). I was going to make both of their costumes but I was fortunate to find Kameron's at an affordable price. However, Konnor's costume had to be made. The jumpsuit was so hard to find in the US in a kids size. So I had to order it from the UK. I did all the details on the jumpsuit and he was so thrilled. The boys were it the next day to SeaWorld's Halloween Spooktacular and we got a lot of compliments. Luckily Konnor will be able to wear this costume again when we take him to see Imagination Movers live in concert in December, while we're in Arizona!

We also had a chance to go to the Air Show (10.02.069) this year. We thought the boys would really enjoy it. And they sure did!
There's more to come in the following weeks and months with us. Stay tuned! I'll definitely post Halloween pics up afterwards!
We've started this October with going to the local pumpkin patch in Murrieta. The boys chose their pumpkins and had fun on the rides and in the petting zoo. Since we started "painting" pumpkins last year we decided to do it again this year. I had an amazing idea to make Yo Gabba Gabba pumpkins which is Kameron's favorite show right now.

I had so much fun. It was a bit time consuming. Konnor painted the pumpkins and I did the detail work. Kameron was so happy when it was all done. He looks at them everyday, names each pumpkin and giggles. I'll let you in on a secret. Brobee (the green striped one) is actually a small watermelon from our backyard! =)
With the pumpkins was also time to choose Halloween costumes. Konnor of course had his mind set on being an Imagination Mover (Disney) and Kameron chose to be DJ Lance Rock (from Yo Gabba Gabba). I was going to make both of their costumes but I was fortunate to find Kameron's at an affordable price. However, Konnor's costume had to be made. The jumpsuit was so hard to find in the US in a kids size. So I had to order it from the UK. I did all the details on the jumpsuit and he was so thrilled. The boys were it the next day to SeaWorld's Halloween Spooktacular and we got a lot of compliments. Luckily Konnor will be able to wear this costume again when we take him to see Imagination Movers live in concert in December, while we're in Arizona!

We also had a chance to go to the Air Show (10.02.069) this year. We thought the boys would really enjoy it. And they sure did!
There's more to come in the following weeks and months with us. Stay tuned! I'll definitely post Halloween pics up afterwards!
imagination movers,
yo gabba gabba
Friday, October 9, 2009
A weekend getaway for Mommy
10/4-10/8 I went to Arizona to help my best friend finish some wedding plans. It was also a chance for me to just relax, spend quality time with my best friend and not worry about being MOMMY!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Summer Time is Here
Yes, Summer time is truly here. We had the "June gloom" throughout June...but once summer officially hit the weather has been scorching. We are hitting 100s these days up in the Inland Empire. It's crazy. It's been humid and sticky. Not quite the summer weather the boys and I had in mind for spending our summer days. Luckily we've been able to spend some time in the pool, sprinklers and slip n' slide on some of the days. But thank God for our air condition! Well, of course not when the bill comes. The fact that we have dual air conditioners can be costly. I'm a stickler for keeping the temperature at 77 degrees. Kevin cringes when he sees it. If it were up to him the temperature would be set to 80!
Regardless of the heat....we've been enjoying our summer so far. We've of course spent many days at SeaWorld and San Diego. We've enjoyed days with friends far and near. This is just the beginning of our summer. We've got a lot more fun to come! Stay tuned.....
Regardless of the heat....we've been enjoying our summer so far. We've of course spent many days at SeaWorld and San Diego. We've enjoyed days with friends far and near. This is just the beginning of our summer. We've got a lot more fun to come! Stay tuned.....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dinner with Dan at Baleen's - Paradise Point
Ahhh...one of my favorite spots in San Diego. Maybe because I've been to Paradise Point (then known as Princess Resort) ever since I was little. Or maybe because I spent my pre-wedding night with my fabulous bridal party there or maybe because I spent my first night as a married woman with my HUSBAND. Ok...all of the above!
It's a great place. Our friend Dan has always been gracious and occasionally takes us to dinner there. The food is mouth watering and the dessert is to die for! Not to mention their entire staff is SO friendly from the moment you walk in the door. Most of all the setting and the view is ahhhhh....San Diego! Take a peek for yourself.
As always Dan, we had a great time. It's always great spending time with you. Til next time....

It's a great place. Our friend Dan has always been gracious and occasionally takes us to dinner there. The food is mouth watering and the dessert is to die for! Not to mention their entire staff is SO friendly from the moment you walk in the door. Most of all the setting and the view is ahhhhh....San Diego! Take a peek for yourself.
As always Dan, we had a great time. It's always great spending time with you. Til next time....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Fun in the Sun at Wild Rivers
Today we went to Wild Rivers in Irvine, CA thanks to a raffle Kevin won at work! It was a great way to kick off our summer family fun. Since Kevin had taken a few days off we thought it would be the perfect time to go. Since our kids are such "fishes" and love the water, we knew it would be a great day. This was their second water park since they've been born. We took them to Knotts Soak City in San Diego last year.
We woke up, got ready, packed up the car and the kids and made our way over to Irvine. The weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. It was great because it wasn't too crowded.
We found a perfect spot in front of the kiddie area of the park. Kameron didn't hesitate. He tried to take off into the pool before I even finished putting sunblock on him. Konnor had no fear and daunted around on his own. He went down all the slides by himself. Great thing is that there is miniature slides of all the adult slides in the water park. As a family we enjoyed the Lazy River....over and over again. Kameron almost took a nap on it.
We woke up, got ready, packed up the car and the kids and made our way over to Irvine. The weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. It was great because it wasn't too crowded.
We found a perfect spot in front of the kiddie area of the park. Kameron didn't hesitate. He tried to take off into the pool before I even finished putting sunblock on him. Konnor had no fear and daunted around on his own. He went down all the slides by himself. Great thing is that there is miniature slides of all the adult slides in the water park. As a family we enjoyed the Lazy River....over and over again. Kameron almost took a nap on it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Kameron is 18 Months!
Wow...already? Really? I find it hard to remember that he is only 18 months. The fact that he is such a big boy, I already think he's TWO! So he's in the 97th percentile for his age in height/weight/head! Yes, he has a big head. He weighs just 4oz less than his Big Brother Konnor! They even share clothes now! He is finally sleeping in his bed by himself and sleeping better through the night. He still has some issues waking up looking for "mommy" and sometimes having nightmares and crying in the middle of the night. But we've really made some progress. I thought he'd never sleep in his own bedroom and through the night.
He's become a real "copycat". We always have to remind Konnor that his brother watches everything he does. So we frequently say, "Monkey See, Monkey Do". Speaking of copycat...Kameron has taken interest in going to the potty like Konnor does. He hasn't been consistent, but has shown great interest and has since graduated to "Pull-Ups".
He's still an eater. He has his picky days, but is willing to try almost anything. His favorite foods are pizza, rice, chicken nuggets and french fries, grilled cheese, mac & cheese and several filipino foods. The boy even eats sushi every now and then.
Kameron LOVE Elmo and Blues Clues still and pretty much every other show and character that Konnor likes. He loves to sing, dance, read books and play pretend. I'm happy to have two musically inclined kids!!!
Although we've had a rough time weaning him from the bottle, we've finally come to the day where he would throw his own bottle away! YAY!!! I assumed it would be so easy as it was with Konnor.
He's become a real "copycat". We always have to remind Konnor that his brother watches everything he does. So we frequently say, "Monkey See, Monkey Do". Speaking of copycat...Kameron has taken interest in going to the potty like Konnor does. He hasn't been consistent, but has shown great interest and has since graduated to "Pull-Ups".
He's still an eater. He has his picky days, but is willing to try almost anything. His favorite foods are pizza, rice, chicken nuggets and french fries, grilled cheese, mac & cheese and several filipino foods. The boy even eats sushi every now and then.
Kameron LOVE Elmo and Blues Clues still and pretty much every other show and character that Konnor likes. He loves to sing, dance, read books and play pretend. I'm happy to have two musically inclined kids!!!
Although we've had a rough time weaning him from the bottle, we've finally come to the day where he would throw his own bottle away! YAY!!! I assumed it would be so easy as it was with Konnor.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Mother's out there.
It's Mother's Day and although I wish I was out relaxing somewhere like I usually do on Mother's Day, I'm home sick w/the boys. I have strep throat and Konnor has had a fever off and on for the last 4 days. We spent hours in Urgent Care on Thursday and have just been trying to rest and recooperate. Kevin spent his own few hours in Urgent Care as well on Tuesday...after a fall down the stairs and fracturing his toe. Whew...thank goodness it was just his toe and not his foot. We have a busy month ahead of us.
I have FINALS coming up in these next two weeks. We're going to Las Vegas for a Dedication for my nephew and our Godson Greyson Josef Reyes. We're all looking forward to seeing family and having some fun in Vegas.
I have FINALS coming up in these next two weeks. We're going to Las Vegas for a Dedication for my nephew and our Godson Greyson Josef Reyes. We're all looking forward to seeing family and having some fun in Vegas.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Konnor is learning how to write...very well
To my surprise my little man Konnor decided to write "MOM" and show me his progress. I was impressed. I knew that he's been practicing his writing skills, but he asked me how to spell "Mom" and "Mama" and went to his room and wrote it...and then brought it to me and showed me. My heart melted. It was so good....for a 3 year old of course! My boy is so smart. I love his progress and how much he's interested in learning. He's definitely my "Little Big Boy" (as we always say).

Sunday, March 1, 2009
February Review
It's been such a hectic year already that I barely have time to blog on a daily basis like I used to.
The boys have been keeping me busy and school has been somewhat of an adjustment for me. Kevin too has been working a lot and being "Mr. Mom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays while I'm at school. I think it's been great for him to get a taste of my medicine, being home w/the boys all day long. It's also been good for him to spend time with the boys. I think the boys have adjusted well to the new schedule too.
This month we celebrated Konnor's 3rd birthday in Fairfield, CA at Mama & Papa's house. We celebrated together with Massimo (my nephew) who turned ONE. Well, not officially because he is a leap year baby which mean he really won't be one for another...3 years? Weird.
Individually the boys have been growing and learning so much. We're still having some issues with Kameron, sleeping and weaning off the bottle. It was all so opposite with Konnor and it just shows how different they are in personalities. Konnor has completely mastered potty training since November. Kameron is interested "to see" when Konnor goes potty. He's since been wearing Pull Ups when we're at home. He's consistent on telling us when he's gone potty and needs to be changed, but I don't think he's ready to start the potty training process just YET.
I'm in my second month of school. It's been challenging, but fun. I've met some new people and have learned a lot in my three classes. ASL (American Sign Language) has been my favorite class. It's fun and interesting and challenging all at the same time.
The boys have been keeping me busy and school has been somewhat of an adjustment for me. Kevin too has been working a lot and being "Mr. Mom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays while I'm at school. I think it's been great for him to get a taste of my medicine, being home w/the boys all day long. It's also been good for him to spend time with the boys. I think the boys have adjusted well to the new schedule too.
This month we celebrated Konnor's 3rd birthday in Fairfield, CA at Mama & Papa's house. We celebrated together with Massimo (my nephew) who turned ONE. Well, not officially because he is a leap year baby which mean he really won't be one for another...3 years? Weird.
Individually the boys have been growing and learning so much. We're still having some issues with Kameron, sleeping and weaning off the bottle. It was all so opposite with Konnor and it just shows how different they are in personalities. Konnor has completely mastered potty training since November. Kameron is interested "to see" when Konnor goes potty. He's since been wearing Pull Ups when we're at home. He's consistent on telling us when he's gone potty and needs to be changed, but I don't think he's ready to start the potty training process just YET.
I'm in my second month of school. It's been challenging, but fun. I've met some new people and have learned a lot in my three classes. ASL (American Sign Language) has been my favorite class. It's fun and interesting and challenging all at the same time.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Delayed blogs
I am so ashamed at how long it's been since I had last blogged. Believe me...the days have gone by too quickly, the boys are growing too fast and I just don't have enough time in my days to keep up.
I know a lot of people always ask me "how do you do it?"...between being MOM, a wife, a mommypreneur, a student and then all this fun stuff...I don't know how I do it sometimes either!?! As much as I like to document the days gone by, I get saddened when I realize that I had missed a part of the boys' life. I hope to keep this blog long enough for the boys to start reading. And if I can somehow save it all forever...that would be awesome. I want my boys to know that I have paid close attention to every little part of their growing up. I want them to know that I cherished every little step, every new word, all the details of their lives.
I know a lot of people always ask me "how do you do it?"...between being MOM, a wife, a mommypreneur, a student and then all this fun stuff...I don't know how I do it sometimes either!?! As much as I like to document the days gone by, I get saddened when I realize that I had missed a part of the boys' life. I hope to keep this blog long enough for the boys to start reading. And if I can somehow save it all forever...that would be awesome. I want my boys to know that I have paid close attention to every little part of their growing up. I want them to know that I cherished every little step, every new word, all the details of their lives.
Friday, January 2, 2009
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