I woke up this morning feeling a bit nauseous. I knew I had a few hours until my Dr. appointment later in the afternoon. Since it had been almost 5 days since I had left the house due to my inflammed achilles tendon and plain ol' fatigue and nausea..I decided to get out of the house early and run some errands.
My appointment was at 2pm. Unfortunately Kevin couldn't make it to the appointment. Konnor was a little terror in the waiting room. He would not keep still, kept pushing his stroller everywhere, bumping into the chairs and talking up a storm. Luckily the waiting room wasn't too crowded. Once we were called into a room, Konnor looked at everything. He kept pointing to the ultrasound monitor. He thought it was a TV! Dr. Anderson came in and did all the routine questions, check ups and then the ultrasound. Everything looked great! Baby's heartbeat was fluttering and yes...there was only ONE peanut in my tummy. He confirmed that!

I go back in 4 weeks for another appointment. I've already gained more weight than I did the first time. I guess that's normal since I haven't been vomitting and I definitely haven't been exercising since I've been extremely out of energy.
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