Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Kameron Ethan McMaster's Arrival
With no sleep and much anticipation, I got up and ready 4:30am. I took a long hot shower and one last photo of my belly! WOAH! I kissed Konnor goodbye as he slept. My Mom gave me a kiss and a hug good bye and good luck. Kevin and I made a stop at Jack in the Box for a supreme croissant since I wasn't going to be able to eat again until after labor. Oh did I savor that breakfast as much as possible. We check in at 6:30am at Fallbrook hospital. I knew the routine already since I had been there several times before. Dr. Dresbach came in and checked me at 7:15am. I was 3-4 cm dilated. Great start! They started me on pitocin at 8:20am. I tried to rest for a good few hours. Kevin left to have breakfast. My parents came with Konnor 11ish. I felt several contractions all throughoutt he early labor but it wasn't anything unbearable. Let's just say I have a high tolerance for pain. At around 3:52pm the anesthesiologist came in to administer the epdirual. After 3 tries, she finally got it where it needed to be. Needless to say...it didn't work! She gave me some bullsh*t excuse that my tattoo on my lower back was right in the place the epirdural needed to be. WHATEVER! So the nurse kept checking with me to see if I was feeling numbness or that the epidural was working...but it wasn't. At 3:56pm Dr. Dresbach broke my water. WOAH! I'm so glad I've never had to experience that in public. Talk about GUSH! At 5:15pm I was 5cm, by 5:30pm I had jumped to 8cm! By then I was started to feel intense contractions and were in pain! Within 10 minutes I was a full 10cm dialted. It was awful. I cried through contractions and felt like giving up. 5:45pm I started pushing. After about 15 minutes of pushing Kameron Ethan McMaster was born!
5:59pm 7lbs 15oz 20 inches What a beautiful baby. He looked identical to Konnor when he was born! Definitely another one who looks like his Daddy!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
33 weeks and growing
Our big day is coming soon and we're ready! I think. Baby's room is ready that's for sure. Kevin and I enjoyed fixing, painting and decorating the room. Konnor is growing fast. We THINK he's understanding there's a baby in my tummy more and more. He loves to hug and kiss my stomach. He's even intrigued by each ultrasound we've had. It's so cute. He notices his crib in the baby's room and he notices the room is now decorated different than when it was a "guest room." He has adjust very well to his new bunk bed and hasn't had any problems. He's always been a great transitioner with everything. Thankfully!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Summer is over.
We ended the summer with Labor Day week with Mama & Papa. They came down to stay a week with us. Konnor always enjoys his time w/them. Julian was also here so he loves playing with Julian.
I'm ending the summer in my 25th week of pregnancy. The pregnancy has been a lot better than when I was pregnant with Konnor, but still lots of aches and pains...the typical pregnancy pains! Although I had sciatica pains with Konnor, I'm having it even worse with this pregnancy. There have been times when I couldn't even get up, walk, stand or sit in certain positions. The Dr. has only recommended that I alleviate all I can to not irritate it. I don't pick up Konnor if I don't have to, I elevate my legs as much as possible and I had even stopped going to the gym because it just irritated my back more. My next appointment is Monday and my Dr. is going to think about sending me to physical therapy. He says that if it's happening so strongly at this time of the pregnancy, it may only worsen. On top of the sciatica pain, my blood pressure has gone up. I knew it was too good to be true. Next appointment I will be taking my glucose test as well. Oh no! Gestational diabetes......I have a feeling I will have it again.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Konnor's 18 month checkup
Weight: 26 lbs Height 33.5"
Recent Milestones: Konnor is learning to recite his ABCs. He talks alot but is showing lots of signs of "actual words". Some of the things he says are "hot", "cold", "oh no", "owee", "Da-Da", "Mom-Mom", "Ma", "Pa", "Bad", "One", "Two", "ear", "Eyes", "shoes"...to name a few. He went to his first concert for his favorite show "Hi-5" in San Diego last week. He LOVED it. Danced throughout the whole show. He loves to put money into his piggy banks. Anytime he finds a coin, he picks it up! LOL He's becoming very interested in his new baby to be. He pays such close attention during my ultrasounds and he kisses my tummy every morning. He's gotten 3 haircuts since he has turned 1. His hair grows TOO FAST! He now has all his teeth (minus his second and permanent molars). The last cuspid just poked through last week. He's fairly a picky eater sometimes. Or he goes 3 days without eating real meals, just grazing...then he'll so well the next day. Still sleeps 11 hours straight through the night. Has been in his big boy bed for 2 months or so now. All in all it's been awesome being a Mom. I'm fortunate to be a SAHM able to see Konnor learn and experience new things everyday. He amazes me how fast he learns and how mellow of a boy he is. Of course he has his "boy" days but for the most part he's such an easy kid! I LOVE MOMMYHOOD!
We celebrated his 18m birthday since Mama, Papa, Uncle Ed, Auntie Samana, Cousins Julian and Nicolas were at the house.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
22 weeks along
Friday, August 17, 2007
Konnor's 1st concert - HI-5
When I found out they were touring and would be in San Diego, I told Kevin we HAD to take Konnor! The day had come and I was more excited to take him than he was. Especially that he didn't quite understand...until we got there!
We spent the day being "tourists" in San Diego. We went to Seaport Village. Took a walk along the waterfront, took the ferry ride to Coronado and just enjoyed the sunny San Diego weather. Konnor enjoyed it too.
We got to the Spreckel's theater in San Diego. We waited in the lobby for the doors to open. I never imagined so many other kids would be there. Konnor was a bit overwhelmed too. When the doors opened, we went straight to our seats. We had mezzanine seats, row 1, seats dead center! PERFECT! Konnor noticed the stage was set up just like the tv show. He then started to get excited. As soon as they came out.....Konnor was literally "star struck"! He was so amazed that they were live, in person and not on our tv. He danced, smiled so big, clapped his hands and stared. He paid such close attention through the whole 2 hour show!
Next....Doodlebops in February, which we missed this past March since it was the same weekend as his 1st birthday party. This will be part of his 2nd birthday present. AND...DISNEYDLAND! :-)
Below are some photos and video clips. ENJOY!
Video Clips:
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Konnor is my E.T.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Konnor is learning his ABC's
Other than learning his ABC's his new thing has constantly been saying "OH NO"...or "OH OH". Funny enough, he uses them at the right time. I can tell when he's done something wrong. Usually he'll even take me to where he did a "Oh no". Most of the time it's that he dropped something, made a mess of something.
Friday, August 3, 2007
20 weeks along!!!
The pregnancy is going fine. A few aches and pains on some days, but it's been easier than my pregnancy with Konnor. My appetite has been considerably different. I've craved sweets a lot. I'm afraid to go in for my glucose testing! No weight gain since my first appointment. Hopefully this pregnancy weight will go like it did with Konnor. I didn't gain throughout my pregnancy until the end. Even that was only a total of 13lbs.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
And the results are in.....
To my astonishment, my Mother's intuition felt we were having a girl this time. All that matters is that we have a wonderful, healthy and happy baby..boy or girl!
We're excited to finally know the sex of the baby. Now we can plan, decorate and shop! Actually, Kevin says we don't need to buy anything new...but being a woman..of course I want to be able to shop for some new things. Technically we have most of the basics still. I'm more so just excited to be able to start decorating the spare room we have that will become Baby #2's room. We've got ideas on decor and names, but nothing is set in stone yet.
Stay tuned.....
Thursday, July 5, 2007
4th of July 2007
At night we went to Auntie Joan's house for a 4th of July celebration. We watched the Temecula Fireworks from her house as well as did firecrackers. (Shhhh...don't tell anyone. ha ha) Konnor was amazed at the colorful sky as well as the sounds and colors and crackling of the firecrackers. We thought he'd be scared, but he watched with such amazement. He even clapped after each firecracker was done.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Konnor is 16 months old
He has done well in his "big boy bed". He still sleeps 11 hours straight at night.
Some of his new doings:
- Can sign "more"
- Can sign "eat"
- Can climb down the stairs
- Is eating more vegetables
- Still not eating much "red meat"
- Loves taking my pots and pans and use them as drums
- Loves kissing his "baby" in Mommy's tummy (even tries to feed the baby whatever he's eating)
- Says "up"
- Says "apple"
So far he's having a great summer. We started swim lessons again on July 2nd. A little earlier than last year. He's still very comfortable in the water. He loves it. He's gone to several amusement parks already this summer. He has so much fun, no matter what he does.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Konnor's 15 month Well Baby Check Up
After the Dr. we went to lunch with Auntie Ces. It's been about 2 months since we last went to lunch with her. We try to make it a point to get together for lunch or dinner as much as we can. It was a quick lunch because she had to get back to a meeting but also because Konnor was being so antsy.
We got home and had some nap/rest time. With the hot weather, I've been getting more tired and exhausted without even doing anything.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
2nd Prenatal Appointment - 12 weeks
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Konnor graduates to a "Big Boy Bed"
He fell asleep without any fuss. We added a body pillow to the side and made she he was safe. We didn't hear a peep from him all through the night. When he woke up in the morning he got out of his bed and played in his room by himself!
Looks like it's a success!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
For months now I've been wanting to go. As many times as we've driven by (being that it's on the main road to the freeway), we never stopped. Well today we finally planned to go! After dinner at a new sushi restaurant in Murrieta, we went to PinkBerry!
Supposedly it's real frozen yogurt and it's HEALTHY! They offer fresh fruit toppings, candy and cereal toppings! You choose. Plain yogurt or green tea. Pick your size and pick your toppings! OH SO YUMMY! Kevin and Konnor loved it too!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
1st Prenatal Appointment with NEW Dr.

I go back in 4 weeks for another appointment. I've already gained more weight than I did the first time. I guess that's normal since I haven't been vomitting and I definitely haven't been exercising since I've been extremely out of energy.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Konnor's 1st haircut
Afterwards Kevin, Konnor and I went to Diamond Valley Lake for a picnic lunch. It was nice to sit and relax and look out towards the lake. It was relaxin day off for Daddy!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
1st prenatal appointment
Once I got home I had to take a nap. Kevin was wonderful and took care of Konnor and cleaned house. I was nauseous all day long, still having dizzy spells and my heart is palpitating like crazy. Although when I check my blood pressure, it's fine. Still, Stage 1 hypertension....but what's new!?
Konnor has been very cooperative with Mommy not being able to tend to him all day long. He's great when it's nap time. He seems to be understanding and not asking me to pick him up too much. He loves just sitting on my lap with me though. Even when he's watching TV, he wants to sit in my lap. It's so cute how he moves my hands to make room for his little bottom. Even when he wants me to do something, he takes my hands and puts them on whatever he wants opened, or given to him. He's been doing such silly things lately. One of the cutest things is that when he sees food he says, "Mmmm". Whether it's on a TV commercial, someone else eating it, in the grocery store or a picture of it. You gotta hear him! He also has been a little devil and has been emptying out his toy boxes sitting in them. I caught him half way in his toy chest the other night! Night time has been great. Konnor has been going to bed right around 9pm. Still sleeping 11 hour straight and not crying at all when he awakes. I'm hoping it all stays this easy throughout the pregnancy.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Celebrating Mother's Day
We headed home and were exhausted. We all took a nap and just relaxed. It was a long day for all of us!
Friday, May 11, 2007
A week's summary
Konnor's appetite has been a lot better. This week he ate spaghetti, lots of fruits, Honeycomb cereal, turkey, french bread and lots of fish. Thankfully he loves fish. We had salmon one night and halibut another night. Konnor has also been taking interest in learning to drink from a cup without a cover. I only give him water in the cup, but he's really doing good. Of course sometimes he misses his mouth, but for the most part he's getting the hang of it.
With the hot weather, Konnor's had more chances to play in the water and in his pool. Thursday we went to Sea World and I remembered to bring his shorts. He played in the spinkler area. He loved it. Although, he threw a fit when it was time to go home! He's also been spending a few hours in his pool at home as well as playing in the sprinkler. He's such water boy!
This week we also had a photo shoot with Wittle Bitz Photography, here in Murrieta. Konnor met his first set of twins! Owner, Brianna has 11month old boy twins who are so friendly and sweet. I think Konnor thought he was seeing double! He stared at the boys and giggled. The twins were entertained by Konnor. Konnor was acting silly and the boys thought it was so funny.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Busy Busy Weekend
Sunday morning we went to breakfast together. We were all so hungry it seemed like we ordered EVERYTHING. After we parted, we went over to Kevin's parents house for awhile.
Konnor's has started this "diet" of his. Eat a lot, don't eat for 2 days, eat a lot, don't eat for 2 days. Is that normal?
He's enjoying music more and more everyday. He swings and sways everytime he hears music. He bounces up and down as he dances. It's so adorable!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
May Day
The pregnancy so far is going well. No real symptoms still. Just frequent trips to the bathroom and LOTS of fatigue!! Boobs are starting to get tender, heavy and occasional sharp pains. I'm amazed that I haven't been having morning sickness yet. About this time with Konnor I was puking all day long, nauseous and just not keeping anything down.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Konnor's first swim of the season
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Summer Heat is here
Friday, April 27, 2007
Feeling Good
Konnor is becoming "all boy" more and more each day. He has no fear. Loves to crawl, jump and climb EVERYTHING. He has turned our whole living room (and anything he can get his hands on) into a playground/jungle gym! Taking him out to the park to let him climb there is just not enough for him. Luckily he's a tough cookie. He doesn't cry when he falls. Nor does he cry at all. He whines. That's about it.
His favorite thing to do besides watch The Doodlebops and Hi-5 is dancing, singing (humming), riding in his Cozy Coupe, playing outside and he's starting to....RUN! Yup, run! It just seems like yesterday he started to walk. He also loves to look through his books while he turns his room upside down.
Today Konnor is 14months old!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I love Motherhood
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
"Wow, that was quick!"
Kevin called for us to meet for lunch in Lake Elsinore. As Konnor and I drove up to Elsinore, I called Mom & Dad to give them the good news. Mom was extremely happy and said, "Thank goodness Dad is retired...all the Grandkids birthdays are all in a row." The meaning behind that is of the 3 grandkids they're birthdays are October, January and February. Now add December to the mix as my due date is: December 24th! Seems we'll all be together for Christmas!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Hanging out with Cousin Julian
After ski beach we went to Belmont Park. Julian and Konnor rode a few rides together. Konnor always points to the Merry Go Round when he sees one. We also spent some time on the boardwalk just basking in the sun and smelling that ocean fresh air!
Later as the kids all started to wind down, Konnor and I went to Grandpa/Grandma McMaster's house to relax. They had been out of town on a cruise. By then I too was EXHAUSTED! That pregnancy tiredness and fatigue was started to settle in already. Luckily Konnor was ready to relax and watch a few episodes of his Hi-5 and Doodlebops. So he did just that.
Every minute now I think to myself.."Oh my...Konnor is such a fireball right now, how am I going to cope with a newborn and Konnor?" YIKES!
Friday, April 20, 2007
"A Mother's Intuition"
So as I got ready this morning, I looked at a pregnancy test that was in my drawer. I thought about taking it, but then again said, "Nah...I can't be pregnant." I went about my morning, got Konnor bathed and dressed. Then before I jumped in the shower I looked at the test again and said, "Well...I have been feeling odd lately, and I'm a week and a half late." So I went in the bathroom and took the test. Set it on the counter and before I could even turn around two pink lines appeared! "OH MY GOSH!" My mouth dropped and said, "No way!" Konnor was right next to me and he looked at me seeing me in awe! I put it aside and went in the shower. I came out of the shower and looked at the test again and YUP...still two lines! I was ecstatic at the same time..I was just really caught off guard. My immediate thought was to call Kevin but I decided to do something neat to tell him. But first, I wanted to take a second test.
I had plans to meet Stephanie, Erica and the kids at North County Fair so I told myself I'd stop and get another test on the way home. As I drove to Escondido I was still in such excitment. Still didn't call Kevin cause I knew I'd spill the beans if I spoke to him.
Could it have gotten any more pink? It's DEFINITELY POSITIVE!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Growth Spurt
I enjoy that he's so musically inclined. He loves music. All kinds! Any time he hears a song, singing or any kind of melody he turns to look. Lately he's become "obsessed" with Hi-5 and The Doodlebops. They're both a singing show on TV. He has both DVDs and can watch them everyday. He even dances to them. We have the CD in the car too and he always dances, waves his hands in the air and everything. TOO CUTE...ya gotta see it!
I love the little things Konnor does. He used to hum himself to sleep when he was about 7-10 months. Then at 11months he started to pull his curls out. Sometimes that's the easiest way for me to put him to sleep is to play with his hair. He loves it! Also the way he calls "Mom Mom" or "Da Da" is the cutest. Makes my heart melt!
Today I stayed in to do a lot of work. But we had to step out to go to Costco. Konnor enjoyed it. He loved sampling food! LOL
Sunday, April 15, 2007
It's TAX Day
Daddy played the "goldfish" game at the carnival and won Konnor 2 goldfish. Konnor was so happy because he loves the goldfish that Mama has at her house. So now he'll have his own.
We went grocery shopping and rented some movies and wanted to relax for the rest of the day.
From time to time Kevin and I look at Konnor and just gawk at how much he's grown. We're so proud of how much he has learned, experienced and explored. He's a great kid. I admit he's very attached to me. I love it!! We have that special bond not only because I carried him for 9 months but also because I'm home with him for most of the day, everyday. He's slowly getting that "seperation anxiety" thing everyone talks about. He used to be able to play with his toys all by himself. This past month he won't. He always wants me to be playing with him. He constantly wants my attention and sometimes it's so hard. All in all he's the wonderful little boy I could ever ask for!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Yeah Baby Expo
After the Expo we went to lunch at Island's. Of course it was one of Konnor's day where he didn't want to eat anything. Chicken strips and french fries usually are a definite meal, but then again he also has his days where he doesn't want to do anything except graze all day long. So of course...we had leftovers AGAIN. Afterwards we headed back home to Murrieta. It seemed to have been a long day for Konnor because he fell asleep by 8pm that night. Great for me! Gives me a chance for "Mommy time" and to do things like this on the computer!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Happy Friday!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
No more bottles!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Late to the Playdate
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Konnor's 1st Eggstravaganza
Friday, April 6, 2007
April Already?
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
13 months!
I’ve been spending more time reading books with him. His attention spand is quite short so he doesn’t really allow me to finish a book! LOL His new thing…giving a “high five” versus just a five. LOL
He's now weighing: 23 lbs 8 oz and is 30 1/2 inches in height. He's become so active since he started cruising so the Dr. says he's still in the 95 percentile.
Monday, February 26, 2007
12 Month Milestones
I now have 8 teeth...2 more peeking through!
I'm 32 inches tall
I weigh 23lbs 3oz
I can stand on my own
I can clap my hands and clap them loud
I took my first step on 2.02.2007 @ The Alkassawat Home
My first word was "Bye bye"....second "WOAH"
I can drink from a straw
I am enjoying eating...everything!
My favorite foods are bananas, jello, chicken nugget, french fries, pancakes, rice, waffles and grilled cheese
I'm NOT liking vegetables right now. I only like corn
I love going to Playdates with the Mommy's groups, Daycare at the Gym and to Child's Play (indoor park)
Mommy & Daddy are planning my 1st Birthday
I know how to "give hugs" & "give kisses"
I like to point to everything
I've taken over my Mommy's office space in the loft with all my toys
Mommy and Daddy always say, "My gosh you're getting too big and heavy!"
I can throw tantrums when I don't get my way
I have a new baby cousin...Nicolas, born on January 2, 2007
I have a new "Godbrother"...Landen.