We decided to have a quiet Christmas Eve at home...just the FOUR of us. Of course, it was also because we were all still recovering from being sick. We couldn't take the boys to Christmas Eve mass since they were still coughing and contagious.
We spent the afternoon with Grandpa and Grandma McMaster. There we opened and exchanged gifts. The boys were interested in board games this year and they definitely got their share of games. The received Connect Four, Operation, a standing mic for our comedian, Kameron and a Table Top Air Hockey Set.
At Grandpa and Grandma McMaster's house |
Before opening their stockings |
After leaving Grandpa & Grandma's we had Pho (vietnamese soup) for dinner then spent the evening at home tracking Santa, opening stocking stuffers and watching movies. The boys were so excited to open something tonight and we could tell they couldn't wait.
Being that we've had the tree up since the beginning of November and presents piled under the tree for the past month, they were anxious. They knew they had some presents under the tree (since they could read their own names). There was one gift in particular that Konnor peaked at everyday..little did he know it wasn't a big surprise, but a surprise for his toys. LOL
We had fun encouraging the boys to
track Santa. Since Konnor is very interested in maps, locations and geography, he had a ball. Every few seconds he would refresh the laptop and read (or try to read) the city Santa was in. He watched all the videos of the past cities and countries Santa had visited and anxiously waited for his arrival in CALIFORNIA!
Tracking Santa |
Maybe I need to look closer |
Konnor tried with all his might to stay awake. Being that he's the one that sleeps early, he really tried to
track Santa until he got to California. Unfortunately he fell asleep by 11:30pm...but Kameron was still wide awake waiting for Santa. As soon as it hit midnight, we went upstairs and turned out the lights so that Santa could do his magic. Kameron was sure to leave Santa his milk and cookies we made.
I've never really had a quite Christmas Eve. This quite night made me reminisce about years ago as a child. I remember growing up spending Christmas Eve in Seaside, CA with all the family. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, Grandparents and neighbors. It was always exciting to be with FAMILY. The smell of the delicious food my Grandparents were always cooking all night long filled the house. The laughter of all the kids (including myself). We had traveled from San Diego to Monterey every year to celebrate Christmas with the rest of our family.
As we grow our family and start our own traditions, this year will be spent together as FOUR. It at times felt lonely for me, even though I had the 3 most important boys with me, but I did miss the times as a child celebrating with our large family. Maybe it had something to do with missing my Grandma this year. It was our first year without her. Her passing 8 months ago is still hard to deal with, some days harder than others. But I know she is always watching down on us smiling.